The reinstatement of iconography and iconology in the West has become important. In this article, we tried to find the reasons for choosing the topic of Laily and Majnoon in Ghiaseddin fabrics. For this purpose, using the iconographic and iconological theory, the inner meaning of this story is examined in the literature and culture dominant at the time of the emergence of the effect. This review is evaluated based. Three steps: description, analysis and interpretation. In the history of textile in Iran, especially during the Safavid period. The use of miniature textiles has been used extensive. In this research, a narrative of the literary story of the Nezamy, that was considered by Ghiaseddin, was used. He has chosen this narrative and woven it.
Fazl-Vaziri S, Tondi A. An iconology approach to interpreting Laily and Majnoun in Ghiaseddin textiles. کیمیای هنر 2017; 6 (22) :61-73 URL: