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ISSN: 2251-8630
 e-ISSN: 2251-9971
:: Guidelines for Submission of Articles ::

Guidelines for Submission of Articles to Kimiya-ye-Honar Quarterly

It is hereby informed that after the approval of the editorial board, 3,000,000 rials will be charged as the reviewers' fee. 3,000,000 rials will also be charged for the publication of the article.

It is necessary for the esteemed article submitters to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Completing and uploading the conflict of interest form is mandatory. If this form is not completed and submitted, the article will not proceed to the next stages.
  2. Please avoid submitting multiple similar or aligned articles. If multiple articles from a single author are submitted that are very similar and aligned, Kimiya-ye-Honar Quarterly will not be responsible and will review only one of the articles and reject the rest at the discretion of the editor.
  3. The responsibility for finding similarities in the articles in the Samimnoor Website lies with the authors. Articles whose similarity results exceed 15% will not be reviewed in the Kimiya-ye-Honar Quarterly. It is essential to submit the similarity search result before submitting the article for review.
  4. Please be as careful as possible in submitting your details, especially your contact number and email address. You will be notified of changes in the status of the article if you comply with this requirement.
  5. Please make sure to upload two separate files to the site (one with the full name and details, email address, and academic status of the author(s), and one without the name and details to send to the reviewers). The continuation of the review process is subject to compliance with this requirement.
  6. Avoid creating multiple user accounts. The ability to follow the article is subject to compliance with this requirement.
  7. After completing the review process and if the article is accepted for publication, it is mandatory to sign the Authors' Commitment and Agreement Form (Copyright) and send the original form to the Kimiya-ye-Honar Quarterly journal office. The publication of the article is subject to the submission of the original of this form.
  8. Kimiya-ye-Honar is only allowed to publish one article per author in each issue (4 consecutive issues), so if more than one article is submitted and accepted, the aforementioned article will be included in the next issue of the quarterly.
  9. Articles must include a Persian abstract, keywords, introduction, method and theoretical framework, research background and findings, main text of the article, conclusion, footnotes, list of references, and an English abstract. The Persian and English abstracts of the article must be a maximum of 300 words and include a summary of the article's topic, statement of the problem, objective, research method, important findings, and conclusion. If these items are not met, the article will be rejected.
  10. Research articles should not exceed 8000 words in total. Otherwise, the article will be returned to the author.
  11. If at any stage of the article review (even after final acceptance), it is determined that the English abstract of the article was prepared using Google Translate and submitted to the journal without careful and scientific editing, the article will be removed from the journal's agenda and "rejected".
  12. Authors are required to follow APA style for in-text citation and references. Please also check your spam folder for emails from the journal.

About Kimiya-ye-Honar Quarterly

Articles are published in a scientific-research format in the Kimiya-ye-Honar journal. Scientific-research articles are the result of the author's or authors' research and include a general review of a new artistic topic, and the author of these articles must have sufficient experience in the field in question and be an expert. The submitted article must not have been previously published in any publication. In addition, articles submitted to the Kimiya-ye-Honar Quarterly must not have been submitted to other publications at the same time.

The article must include an abstract, keywords, theoretical framework, introduction, research method, research background and research findings, conclusions, footnotes, and a list of references. The title of the article must be short, descriptive, and express its contents.


Respected authors are expected to acknowledge and thank the sponsor in the article if the article is the result of a study and research that has credit and financial support. The inclusion of acknowledgment must include the name of the sponsor of the research, whether it be individuals, institutions, or organizations that provided the financial support for the research.

Article Components

  • Introduction: Presents the problem, the purpose of the research, and the general introduction of the article.
  • Conclusion: Should be logical and useful, clarifying the discussion and the results of the research findings.
  • Footnotes: Numbered in the text and included at the end of the article before the list of references.
  • In-text References: Include the author's last name, year of publication, and page number in parentheses.
  • Keywords: 5-7 words related to the text and title of the article, placed immediately after the abstract.

Additional Requirements

  • Articles should include a Persian abstract, keywords, introduction, method and theoretical framework, research background and research findings, the main text of the article, conclusion, footnotes, list of references, and an English abstract.
  • Photographs, figures, tables, etc., should be prepared in appropriate quality.
  • If the article has multiple authors, the first author should handle presentation and correspondence.
  • Research articles should not exceed 8000 words in total.
  • Responsibility for the accuracy of the scientific content lies with the author/authors.

APA Style Guideline

To view APA Style Guideline 7th Edition, please visit: https://apastyle.apa.org/

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