The Sublime in Lyotard’s works is known for his writings on Kantian sublime. This paper tries to shed light on that side of Lyotard’s writings in which the sublime is explained based on Edmund Burke’s definition of sublimity and far from Kantian modern sublime. This is an ontological type of sublimity with strong ties to the concept of event or Ereignis, which Lyotard calls Postmodern sublime. The sublime, in its non-metaphysical/ postmodern definition, is an event that has wide relations with being and the human life. Lyotard’s postmodern sublime, is not the explanation of an experience but rather it is the moment of the event. In other words, rather than Erfahrung, it is Ereignis. For him, the sublime is a place that, because of the declining of thought 5 and the ontological shock it makes-what Heideggerian thought might call the sublime’s un-homely or unheimlichkeitwakes genuine thinking it is a creative event, allowing for re-evaluation of already accepted philosophical concepts.
Heidari A A, Fayyaz H. Considering the Relation of Lyotard’s Postmodern Sublime with the Concept of Event in Heidegger’s Philosophy. کیمیای هنر 2015; 4 (15) :21-32 URL: