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:: Volume 7, Issue 28 (12-2018) ::
کیمیای هنر 2018, 7(28): 93-107 Back to browse issues page
Architecture Narration: A Comparative Study on Narration in Architecture and Story
Sepideh Karimzadeh , Iraj Etesam , Manouchehr Foroutan * , Mohsen Dolati
Abstract:   (5441 Views)
The way architects think about different issues from developing plans, perspectives, and views to cross-sections and structure of a building is a common and general one. Regardless of its merits and efficiency, this way of thinking indicates a degradation in architectural thinking. Indeed, architectures today are caught in a specific architecture language where the boundaries of language create boundaries in the architecture’s world. To step beyond the normal language in architecture, the narration techniques of meta-story text can be used to break the elements of architecture and rebuilt them along new axes.
 The study is an attempt to change the normal language in architecture design and achieve a new way of facing architectural issues based on the concepts of meta-story. The architecture that we try to achieve is the one that motivates users to explore, move, interact, think, or play. A sort of architecture the spatial narration of which is completed by and whose wider narration is formed by the users. Moreover, each user may have his own interpretation. 
The study was carried out as a content analysis study based on a comparative and innovative study where a combination of deduction and induction was used. The researcher tried to survey the concepts of meta-story and the relationship between story and the spatial narration of architecture. Throughout the study, different types of structure of narration using the similarities between the two ,fields were examined and a new structure for architecture design was achieved. 
The surveys uncovered a mutual bond between architecture and narration. The  structure of post-modern stories featured with parallel and interactive narrations was compared with the structure of designing method in architecture. Through this, the techniques and structure of narration in meta-story text can be used to achieve creativity in designing method.
Keywords: narration, architecture, metastory, design method
Full-Text [PDF 703 kb]   (9854 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/06/2 | Accepted: 2019/06/2
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Karimzadeh S, Etesam I, Foroutan M, Dolati M. Architecture Narration: A Comparative Study on Narration in Architecture and Story. کیمیای هنر 2018; 7 (28) :93-107
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-1387-en.html

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