In many cases, the invented perspective of Renaissance and its related texts from the era could be read as a claim on representing reality. Yet, they can also be considered as a unitying system in the realm of the image which is more in favor with subjective characteristics. According to the available evidences, it seems that the Renaissance perspective is not only a reflection of objective reality, but also it is incompatible with human vision. If one considers Renaissance perspective a subjective system as Kant and Panofsky did, then perspective would be a showing of the unquestioning supremacy of the subject in the realm of the image. Hence, the claim of the realism of Cubist painters would be in favor with a kind of objectivity, which criticizes the domination of the subject. The most important proof in this regard is deletion of the subject’s perspective from Cubism painting.
Jahangard A A. Supremacy of the Subject in the Renaissance Perspective System and the Reaction of Cubism Painting to it. کیمیای هنر 2017; 6 (23) :69-84 URL: