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:: Volume 4, Issue 15 (9-2015) ::
کیمیای هنر 2015, 4(15): 99-113 Back to browse issues page
Symbolic Meanings of Persian Paisley (Bote Jeghe )
Hamed Zoyavar * , Mahnosh Vahdati , Mahdi Makinejad
Abstract:   (11786 Views)

Art is one of the multiple manifestations of Creation and its myths. In every society, it emerges in the form of symbols and motifs. These motifs are not just decorative but convey higher meanings, therefore the symbols related to them are among the most varied symbolism. Bote 8 Quarterly Fourth Year, No. 15, Summer 2015 as one of the botanical and decorative motifs in traditional arts, has been used vastly. This motif is among the symbols related to Iranian beliefs. Since ancient time, this motif has undergone different changes towards its perfection and beauty to finally become what we know today as Bote Jeghe. This paper tries to deal with the following question: What sort of meanings Bote Jeghe convey beyond what we have heard or read about it so far? Many commentators have written about this motif’s relation with sacred trees or symbolic motifs of life, fire, tree of life, crown, etc. It is obvious that this motif has changed so much and somehow permeated through the global art. It will be further argue that it is also a motif of motherhood to finally discuss that its hidden meaning has to do with the concept of original creation.

Keywords: Persian paisley (Bote Jeghe), tree of life, crown
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/10/28 | Accepted: 2015/10/28
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Zoyavar H, Vahdati M, Makinejad M. Symbolic Meanings of Persian Paisley (Bote Jeghe ). کیمیای هنر 2015; 4 (15) :99-113
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-410-en.html

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