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:: Volume 11, Issue 45 (3-2023) ::
کیمیای هنر 2023, 11(45): 67-79 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Characteristics of Identity with an Emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s Theory in the 1988 Statement Addressed to Artists and its Impact on the Art of the Islamic Revolution
Zeinab Mozafarikhah *
Abstract:   (952 Views)
Some fundamental changes were emerged in various fields (social, political, cultural and artistic) with the presence of the Islamic Revolution and the founding guidelines of this great event of Imam Khomeini. The present study aims to identify and introduce the characteristics of the Islamic Revolution’s art identity with the theoretical studies and considering various aspects of Imam Khomeini’s message addressed to artists and the main axes of his theoretical design. When, why, how and by whom these characteristics are reflected in the paintings. How close or far have the painters of the revolution come to these characteristics? To what extent have these characteristics contributed to the evolution of the painting art of the Islamic Revolution? The main question of the present article is that what are the identity characteristics of the Islamic Revolution and what are the most important ones from Imam Khomeini’s point of view? To what extent have these characteristics been influential in the painting of the Islamic Revolution of Iran? First, the identity and the Islamic Revolution and Imam Khomeini’s views on the art and tendencies and approaches of the revolution in painting are introduced and explained and the characteristics of identity are discussed. The required information has been collected using library resources and with a fundamental and descriptive-analytical approach, it has been concluded that the characteristics of the identity of the Islamic Revolution taken from the worldview and the statement of Imam Khomeini have been exhibited by the artists of the Revolution with various arrangements in the paintings of the Islamic Revolution.
Keywords: Imam Khomeini, Islamic Revolution of Iran, Identity Characteristics, Islamic Revolution Painting, Islamic and Revolutionary Characteristics
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/03/31 | Accepted: 2022/12/14
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Mozafarikhah Z. Investigating the Characteristics of Identity with an Emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s Theory in the 1988 Statement Addressed to Artists and its Impact on the Art of the Islamic Revolution. کیمیای هنر 2023; 11 (45) :67-79
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2176-en.html

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