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:: Volume 10, Issue 41 (3-2022) ::
کیمیای هنر 2022, 10(41): 35-48 Back to browse issues page
Psychoanalytic Reading of the Play This is not a Pipe, written by Seyyed Mohammad Mosavat based on the Views of Jacques Lacan
Ghazal Naeemi * , Hasan BolkhariGhahi , Farindokht Zahedi
Abstract:   (2403 Views)
The uncertainty of the events, behaviors and relationships of characters are important features of the play This is not a Pipe, written by Seyyed Mohammad Mosavat. This study is an analytical-descriptive research, using Jacques Lacan theories in psychoanalytic criticism and it is conducted with the aim of examining the relationships of family members, their conversations and actions. According to the results of the research,  Lacan’s three orders are spotted in the play. The imaginary order is seen as a mirror stage in the dualities of the play. Such as the narratives about the presence or absence of Mommy, Maria, and Papa, the existence of John’s double, and characters that can be depicted on the Mobius strip, namely Mommy / Maria (common role: object of desire), and Jim / Papa (common role: first father). The symbolic representation of the text is Title. By turning invisible events into text, Title makes the real thing translatable to us with the help of language, which is the agent of the symbolic order. The police are another representative of the symbolic order that seeks to establish law and clarify events. He is, in a sense, an angry superman who has come to restore order. In addition to the police, superman is also reflected in the character of Mommy. John has returned to the Oedipal complex due to the trauma caused by Maria’s betrayal, and for this reason he is still looking for the original object of his desire (i.e. Mommy) and the maternal superman dominates him. On the other hand, he is also under the control of the primary father. Form, paranoid characters, illusions and unjustifiable events from the perspective of the real world are reflected as the representatives of the Real order in the play.
Keywords: Criticism, psychoanalytic reading, Jacques Lacan, Seyyed Mohammad Mosavat, This is not a pipe
Full-Text [PDF 453 kb]   (734 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/12/12 | Accepted: 2022/03/17
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Naeemi G, BolkhariGhahi H, Zahedi F. Psychoanalytic Reading of the Play This is not a Pipe, written by Seyyed Mohammad Mosavat based on the Views of Jacques Lacan. کیمیای هنر 2022; 10 (41) :35-48
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2030-en.html

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