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:: Volume 9, Issue 36 (11-2020) ::
کیمیای هنر 2020, 9(36): 7-23 Back to browse issues page
Reflections on the Ontology of Mass Art as Avant-garde Art
Ali Mahdipour , Nader Shayganfar *
Abstract:   (3116 Views)
The aesthetics of “everyday experience” is made by a paradigm that defines the duality of the Elite art/low-class art by focusing on the art of the majority/minority, based on the desire of the urban middle class, It has been put as the art of the people in opposition to the art of avant-garde. The study is based on reflections on possibility of finding the main origin between the art of the masses and avant-garde art on the one hand, and the separation of people’s art from popular art on the other. The reflective aspects of the present study are as follows: How is mass art separated from the popular art, what is the relationship between Mass art and avant-garde art, what is the role of the artist in reproducing the similarity of mass art as popular art. Therefore, reflection on the subjects of recognizing the qualitative difference between popular art and mass art, defining the internal interconnection of avant-garde art and mass art, and examining the role of the artist as the cause to appear of a goods or creator of art, are considered. The method of this research is critical and descriptive-analytical. Data collection is based on library sources and written documents along with studying the opinions of thinkers. The result of this research is the difference between mass art/popular art and the unification of mass art and avant-garde art.
Keywords: aesthetics, mass art, avant-garde art, popular art, painting, cinema
Full-Text [PDF 604 kb]   (1285 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/06/15 | Accepted: 2020/10/13
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Mahdipour A, Shayganfar N. Reflections on the Ontology of Mass Art as Avant-garde Art. کیمیای هنر 2020; 9 (36) :7-23
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-1796-en.html

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