The text is focused on Martin Heidegger’s phenomenological thought that influenced some of the Western architects who established a new style called Post- Modern Architecture. Referring to poetic thought of the great German poets, Heidegger called poetry as the best way of thinking. Aspiration of Holderlin’s poem: “poetically man dwells,” led him to the “poetic dwelling” idea of human existence. Heidegger’s approach to art and architecture considered a special role for language and poetry in perception of environment. The impact of his phenomenological method on the two pioneers of Post-Modern architecture, Christian Norberg-Schulz and Christopher Alexander, made some new ways in architectural design. They submit “phenomenon of place” to solve the problem of “Identity” in architecture, which was rejected completely in Modern architecture under the name of International Style.
Here, the phenomenology method is used as the study approach on Heidegger’s philosophy and its influences on architectural theories of Post- Modern Architecture. The goal is to show that architectural identity, deeply depends on every building’s context and its raising up ground.
Tahoori N. Learning from Heidegger: Phenomenology in Architecture The Impact of Heidegger’s Philosophy on Architectural Theory – The Identity of Place in Theories of C. Norberg-Schulz and C. Alexander. کیمیای هنر 2018; 6 (25) :73-92 URL: