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:: Volume 12, Issue 47 (9-2023) ::
کیمیای هنر 2023, 12(47): 41-55 Back to browse issues page
Analyzing the Principle of Visual Unity and Integration in the Grivar Monotheistic Inscription in the Davazdah Imam Mausoleum of Yazd
Safieh Hatami * , Mahdi Mohammadzadeh
Abstract:   (740 Views)
Decoration has a concept and meaning beyond adornment and physical appearance, and to understand it, one must identify religious concepts and visual codes. In all works of Islamic art and architecture, decorations have always played an essential role in establishing a sense of unity and sodality, and different visual measures have been used to induce this sense. The Grivar inscription of the Davazdah Imam Mausoleum of Yazd is a thousand-year-old unique inscription with a monotheistic theme placed on an octagonal platform, which can be used as the basis for its analysis. The present article has tried to uncover the visual and formal measures implemented in this inscription using visual analysis, and it seeks to answer the following questions: "Which visual and representational measures has the designer used in the design of the Grivar inscription of the Davazdah Imam Mausoleum of Yazd? How and to what extent has it been used to instill a sense of unity?" In this qualitative research, which was conducted using descriptive-analytical method, and the data was collected through library studies and field surveys. While reflecting on this building, the mentioned inscription, which has been damaged over time, was recreated. Since the overall unity lies in the components, while analyzing the overall structure, parts of this long inscription were randomly selected for analysis. The results of data analysis showed that following the identical form, especially in the geometric and writing system, using small components in each system, following the common linear structure, the space of the same importance on the inscription, etc. are among the most significant visual measures used with different quantities and qualities in the inscription's design, which, as a whole, plays a role in inducing more monotheistic themes by creating a desirable visual unity.
Keywords: Davazdah Imam Mausoleum of Yazd, The monotheistic inscription, Ornamental Kufic, Visual Unity and Integrity
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/04/22 | Accepted: 2023/06/26
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Hatami S, Mohammadzadeh M. Analyzing the Principle of Visual Unity and Integration in the Grivar Monotheistic Inscription in the Davazdah Imam Mausoleum of Yazd. کیمیای هنر 2023; 12 (47) :41-55
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2251-en.html

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