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:: Volume 10, Issue 40 (12-2021) ::
کیمیای هنر 2021, 10(40): 33-47 Back to browse issues page
Identifying the Position and the Role of Curator in the Formation Process of Contemporary Art Movements.
Sevana Boghossian * , Mohammad Moeinadini
Abstract:   (2551 Views)
The curator, by changes that has seen from its traditional functions towards new models, is now an omnipresent figure in the art world and is closely related to how the arts are showcased. Accordingly, it can have a direct and effective impact on raising awareness about an artistic flow and how it is presented. By this reason, this study explores the relationship between the curator’s activity in an art exhibition and the formation of artistic currents. In order to clarify this subject matter, this article, raises two basic questions: first, what is the role and position of the curator in the generation process of contemporary art movements and second, how can the curator form an art stream by holding an exhibition? Therefore, the purpose of this article is, on one hand, to explain the duties of the curator in an art exhibition, and then, to identify the role and position of the curator in the process of artistic current-making. Thus, this research, with a descriptive-analytical approach and by analyzing two global and influential exhibitional models, by following the curatorial process from idea creation to execution, pinpoints the duties of the curator in the art exhibition and characterizes the role and position of the curator in the formation process of artistic flows. The findings and studies of this paper show that, the curator, with its intermediary persona in the art world and someone who has a direct relationship with how art is presented, can have a direct and effective role in the generation process of art movements by following the proper exhibitional paradigms.
Keywords: curator, exhibition director, art director, art movement, contemporary art
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/05/19 | Accepted: 2021/10/6
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Boghossian S, Moeinadini M. Identifying the Position and the Role of Curator in the Formation Process of Contemporary Art Movements.. کیمیای هنر 2021; 10 (40) :33-47
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-1990-en.html

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