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:: Volume 10, Issue 39 (9-2021) ::
کیمیای هنر 2021, 10(39): 85-102 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of Sociological Components from the Perspective of the Confrontation between Tradition and Modernity in the Cinematic Works of the Seventies (with Emphasis on Films Under the Skin of the City and Two Women)
Abstract:   (2437 Views)
Today, cinema, as a cultural and social element, can take us to the depths of the layers of our current social life. Cinema is a collective art that has the ability to display sociological components. Components that with the advent of modernity and the intensity of its features in the seventies, made the foundations of tradition to decline. Cinema is not open to the public and, like other arts, is encrypted in features and performed in sign language. One of the salient features of this decade is the arrival of modernity and consequently the war of tradition and modernity. In this way, the reduction of local identity, emotional rupture, lifestyle changes, and the creation of class and social divisions are a cornerstone of cultural change that manifests itself at the community level as a result of the onslaught of modernism and the disappearance of tradition. Accordingly, this study tries to explore the components of the seventies society by criticizing the two films Under the Skin of the City and Two Women and adapting it to its contemporary society. The research method was descriptive-analytical based on statistical analysis and guided by library studies, observation and questionnaire tools. The questionnaire was based on 24 questions for 131 expert respondents. Image-based analysis is a multivariate regression test, semantic differentiation technique, and data output in SPSS software. Findings show that the correlation between the variables of the movies of the seventies and the sociological dependent variables of this decade is equal to 0.806, which shows a direct and strong correlation between the dependent and independent variables. According to the findings, the results indicate that the social situation in this decade due to the entry of the middle class into social and urban areas, had a great impact on issues such as culture, lifestyle, economy and even the urban body.
Keywords: Sociology, semiotics, cinema, modernism, tradition
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/01/4 | Accepted: 2021/07/4
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Evaluation of Sociological Components from the Perspective of the Confrontation between Tradition and Modernity in the Cinematic Works of the Seventies (with Emphasis on Films Under the Skin of the City and Two Women). کیمیای هنر 2021; 10 (39) :85-102
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-1931-en.html

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