Liminality is a concept introduced by Victor Turner in the field of anthropology. According to him, myths can be designated as liminal phenomena which are neither here nor there; they are betwixt and between. Bill Viola is a video artist who has represented universal and pivotal dualities in his work, in a symbolic manner. The questions that this study tries to answer are as follows: What is the relationship between archetype and liminality? How can we explain the relationship between Viola’s works and Islamic mysticism with regard to liminality? In the present research, an attempt has been made to explain the threshold theory and its relation to the archetype, then makes an effort to analyze and comparison Five video arts of Viola considering mythological criticism; with an emphasis on liminality theory. The article is descriptive-analytical and library data collection method has been exerted.
The results of the research indicate that Bill Viola, familiar with Islamic and Christian mysticism and influenced by his childhood memories, has created video works that can be considered corresponding to the concept of liminality and archetypes, they lead the audience towards this ceratin apprehension.