The world of cinema has put more
emphasis on Sergei M. Eisenstein’s
theories about montage, and that’s
why his approaches in acting were
ignored. Experienced set designing and
directing under the direct supervision
of Meyerhold’s Biomechanics theory in
Moscow’s theater, Eisenstein observed
many structural and administrative
similarities between acting in German
cinema and the works of his contemporary
Constructivists in the Soviet. Similarities
such as a set of theatrical techniques
encompassing exaggeration, actor’s
muscular violence, separation of body
movements and movement around the
vimineous body organs which lacked play
value suntil then, and on the other hand,
a series of choreographic and spectacular
movements as gymnastic style,fitness
show-off and aggressive capers which
were belonged to sport fields and were
brought on the theater stage.
By concentrating on Eisenstein’s works,
this research deals with the process of
Russifying German Expressionist acting
and cinematizing Russian theater acting
as a preliminary of such acting which was
considered as realistic models of acting
in Hollywood. Also, this paper deduces
that Eisenstein’s inspiration from German
acting established an integrated approach
which is less considered in cinematic
Alasti A, Aghaei N, Khanlari R. The Impact of German Expressionism on the Acting Style of Eisenstein’s Cinema. کیمیای هنر 2014; 3 (12) :99-109 URL: