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:: Volume 13, Issue 51 (9-2024) ::
کیمیای هنر 2024, 13(51): 97-117 Back to browse issues page
Effective Factors in the Popularity and Longevity of Ey Iran Song
Khashayar Fakki , Ilnaz Rahbar * , Majid Parvanehpoor
Islamic Azad University Science and Research Unit
Abstract:   (311 Views)
     The small number of specific researches related to the analysis and discovery of effective factors in the creation of universal and lasting musical works has had a negative effect on the quality of the works produced today and has gradually caused the decline of the artistic and musical taste of the audience. By raising this issue, the main goal of this paper is to answer the following questions regarding the effective factors in the permanence of Iranian song, Ey Iran (one of the few musical works with words that are widely accepted in the hearts and minds of Iranian people of all tastes, with different intellectual and religious orientations, genders and ages): Which extra textual factors are effective in the popularity and permanence of Ey Iran song? Which factors within the text are effective in the popularity and permanence of Ey Iran song? The research method in this paper is a descriptive-analytical that follows the analysis of Ey Iran song, both in terms of factors within the text and factors outside the text. While the elements and concepts represented are identified in the song, the effect of these on the acceptability of the song is investigated to further conclude that extra textual factors such as socio-political conditions, mass media and the moods, thoughts, feelings and the way of communication of the artists who were involved in the creation of this national anthem, as well as the narratives combined with the legends in the minds of the public, combined with the factors within the text, such as the type of song writing, the way of making the melody and its arrangement, as well as the personal and technical characteristics of the singer, all have been effective in the popularity and permanence of Ey Iran song.
Keywords: Ey Iran song, Lasting music, Popular music.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/05/12 | Accepted: 2024/08/12
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Fakki K, Rahbar I, Parvanehpoor M. Effective Factors in the Popularity and Longevity of Ey Iran Song. کیمیای هنر 2024; 13 (51) :97-117
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2314-en.html

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