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:: Volume 13, Issue 50 (5-2024) ::
کیمیای هنر 2024, 13(50): 123-137 Back to browse issues page
The Study of Relationship Between the Discourse of Nationalism and the Artistic Movement of Khorous Jangi and Apadana Gallery; Based on the Study of the Symbol of Rooster
Aliasqar Fahimifar * , Rasool Eskandari
Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract:   (374 Views)
This article is about the relationship between socio-political developments and modern art in Iran from 1941 to 1953. After the abdication of Reza Shah, cultural policies were based on cultural nationalism discourse on the one side, and on the other side on the ideology of Marxism. From the early 1940s, another type of nationalism which was influenced by the nationalization of oil industry emerged in Iran. This new discourse is known as liberal nationalism. The authors believe that no comprehensive research has been done regarding the relation between nationalization of oil industry and artistic works and movements in the history of contemporary Iranian art. Therefore, the main problem of this article is the lack of attention to the mentioned relationship. Research issues have been analyzed by studying the rooster as symbol, as well as the formation of Khorous Jangi movement and Apadana gallery, which started working at the same time as the National Front. Therefore, the question is how the nationalization of oil industry affected the formation of movements and works of arts. The results of this research indicate that the coincidence of the movements and works of arts with the formation of National Front is not accidental. In other words, Khorous Jangi and Apadana, as pioneering artistic movements influenced by the discourse of the National Front, intended to create a national art in accordance with Iranian identity. In fact, the artist reacted to the political and social developments in accordance with his knowledge and social position as well as aesthetic attitude. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the collection of data is based on library references.
Keywords: National Movement of Iran, Khorous Jangi, Liberal Nationalism, The Symbol of Rooster, Nationalization of Oil Industry, Jalil Ziapour, Nima Youshij
Full-Text [PDF 492 kb]   (141 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/05/27 | Accepted: 2023/12/9
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Fahimifar A, Eskandari R. The Study of Relationship Between the Discourse of Nationalism and the Artistic Movement of Khorous Jangi and Apadana Gallery; Based on the Study of the Symbol of Rooster. کیمیای هنر 2024; 13 (50) :123-137
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2188-en.html

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