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:: Volume 11, Issue 45 (3-2023) ::
کیمیای هنر 2023, 11(45): 19-33 Back to browse issues page
The Influence of the Philosophy of Natural Beauty on Environmental Ethics with an Emphasis on the Educational Value of Nature Documentary Film
Maryam Bakhtiarian *
Abstract:   (1104 Views)
Environmental aesthetics includes some features of natural and artificial beauty which, apart from its importance as one of subfields of philosophy, can play a role in reforming and upgrading of human relation with nature and thus this can have constructive influences on environmental ethics. This is one of the possibilities of philosophy, and also this is a way to show more attention to the various aspects of the vital and cultural of aesthetics and avoid limiting aesthetics to art. This show that the category of beauty apart from pleasure can enhance vital value in life of human, also, can be translation some Kant’s view on relationship between beauty and moral good. In this qualitative article, we describe and analyze the opinion of experts in this field. Data has been extracted through library study and internet search. The findings confirm the effect of aesthetic appreciation on human ethics and behavior. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay attention the philosophy of natural beauty. In this analysis, also, is mentioned to the role of nature documentary films.
Keywords: The philosophy of natural beauty, Environmental aesthetics, Nature and human, Environmental ethics, Nature documentary
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/10/4 | Accepted: 2023/02/14
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Bakhtiarian M. The Influence of the Philosophy of Natural Beauty on Environmental Ethics with an Emphasis on the Educational Value of Nature Documentary Film. کیمیای هنر 2023; 11 (45) :19-33
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2173-en.html

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