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:: Volume 11, Issue 43 (9-2022) ::
کیمیای هنر 2022, 11(43): 7-22 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of Contemporary Indian Jewelry with the Dialogism approach of Mikhail Bakhtin (Case study: Indian Jewelry in 2020)
Shahryar Shokrpour * , Zahra Mehdipour Moghaddam
Abstract:   (1724 Views)
The Indian jewelry is something beyond merely being worn to adorn the body, and acts as a medium of Indian tradition, historical identity, and culture. Nowadays, what receives much attention from every viewer in the Indian society is the simultaneous presence of different cultures that are not expected to be removed in India, but are extend in the heart of the historical-cultural changes of India, which are well manifested in the contemporary jewelry. Thus, the present study attempts to refer to Bakhtin’s dialogism approach as a method to study the works, and discuss how dialogism has emerged in perceiving the concept of contemporary jewelry. The goal is to understand their formation based on the concepts of dialogue; because according to Bakhtin, dialogue is a special way of viewing the world. Also, the manifestations of meaning in Indian jewelry may exist implicitly; therefore, considering a context at the center of another culture and as a result of dialogue, their understanding would be possible. The study findings have been obtained via a descriptive-content design, which states that the artist, once as a creator, enters into a conversation with the audience according to the types of speech and polyphony, and once again as an audience forms the text from the outside and communicates with “the other”. So, these works act as a material medium that gives a tangible artistic form to the dialogue and allows it to circulate in the society as a speech act between self and other or between the artist and the audience. Hence, there is no first or last word in the jewelry, and their meaning is endless. Finally, we as the audience look at these works in specific personal time and place, which were apparently created in 2020 by an Indian artist; however, in fact, it does not totally belong to the artist and always refers to the past.
Keywords: Analysis of Contemporary Indian Jewelry with the Dialogism approach of Mikhail Bakhtin (Case study: Indian Jewelry in 2020)
Full-Text [PDF 540 kb]   (737 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/06/6 | Accepted: 2022/09/6
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Shokrpour S, Mehdipour Moghaddam Z. Analysis of Contemporary Indian Jewelry with the Dialogism approach of Mikhail Bakhtin (Case study: Indian Jewelry in 2020). کیمیای هنر 2022; 11 (43) :7-22
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2120-en.html

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