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:: Volume 11, Issue 42 (Spring 2022) ::
کیمیای هنر 2022, 11(42): 35-48 Back to browse issues page
Adaptation and Abridgment of Literary Texts in Painting Case Study: Analysis of Three Selected Narrations and Paintings of Khamseh Nezami of Shah Tahmasebi
Ali Taqavi *
Abstract:   (1332 Views)
Adaptation is to use the commonly used words to retell and explain the extent to which a text is taken from and influenced by another text or texts. Due to the special and sublime position of the form and meaning of the Holy Quran, the first definitions of adaptation refer to the influence and presence of this revelatory word in literary texts, but it has gradually developed semantically and especially in the studies of recent decades it is one of the most widely used terms in explaining the processes of creating literary and artistic works. One of the arts that is very much influenced by the literary texts and is most beautifully manifested, especially in manuscripts, is the art of painting. In the present study, with the descriptive method and comparative analysis, and with the aim of explaining how the painters adapted from literary texts and the scope of influence and presence of those texts in the paintings, three narratives and related paintings were selected from Khamseh Nezami of Shah Tahmasebi. The research findings reveal that one of the most important and common types of adaptation in the field of literature is abridgment and summary, and state of the connection and relation of illustrated texts with the literary text can be analyzed and interpreted under this type. Without trying to copy and repeat the text ahead, the painter draws the drawings with a sharp imagination influenced by this text and some other texts that are engraved in his mind and conscience.
Keywords: literary texts, painting, Khamseh Nezami, adaptation, summary, abridgment
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/01/15 | Accepted: 2022/06/8
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Taqavi A. Adaptation and Abridgment of Literary Texts in Painting Case Study: Analysis of Three Selected Narrations and Paintings of Khamseh Nezami of Shah Tahmasebi. کیمیای هنر 2022; 11 (42) :35-48
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2080-en.html

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