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:: Volume 10, Issue 41 (3-2022) ::
کیمیای هنر 2022, 10(41): 7-20 Back to browse issues page
Analysis and Comparative of Grimas Actor Model in Pictures and Story of Sheikh Sanan
Zahra Fanaei *
Abstract:   (3343 Views)
Attention to the narrative structure of stories from the twentieth century followed the science of linguistics and then semiotics as a branch of science. The narration of Sheikh Sanan is the most famous and longest story of Attar, which has been analyzed many times in terms of literature, narration and artistic since its creation. In the field of narration, Grimas proposed a comprehensive rule for analyzing the spiritual foundations of the text by recognizing its linguistic structures, and based on this, he proposed the study of characters and their actions based on the three verbs of wanting, knowing and being able.Also, the use of active-passive, transmitter-receiver and inhibitor-helper interaction actors and And highlighting by contrasts are items that can be seen in addition to the story in the images and drawings created from it and provide an artistic area of the story. This research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner with the aim of recognizing, analyzing and adapting the characters of the story and drawing based on Grimas’ action model and has analyzed two drawings of Sheikh Sanan’s story and matching it with the story. The research questions are: What are the personality patterns of the actor used in the story and drawings of Sheikh Sanan? How verbal and conceptual contrasts are used in stories and drawings? The results show that all the models of active, passive, transmitter, receiver, inhibitor, helper are used in the story and paintings. The difference is that in the paintings of Mantiq al-Tair, the pattern of deterrent action is very weak and there is no supporting actor. Painters have used other elements such as nature, architecture, color, viewing angle, etc. to compensate for verbal. The research is done with a comparative approach and using library studies.
Keywords: Sheikh Sanan story, Grimas actor pattern, literature, Persian paintings
Full-Text [PDF 850 kb]   (15247 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/06/27 | Accepted: 2021/11/21
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Fanaei Z. Analysis and Comparative of Grimas Actor Model in Pictures and Story of Sheikh Sanan. کیمیای هنر 2022; 10 (41) :7-20
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2028-en.html

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