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:: Volume 10, Issue 40 (12-2021) ::
کیمیای هنر 2021, 10(40): 97-108 Back to browse issues page
Explanation of Harry Broudy’s View with Respect to Aesthetic Education and its Link to Education via Pedagogical Theater
Neda Kazemi Yazdi , Masoud Delkhah * , Hamidreza Shairi
Abstract:   (3217 Views)
Pedagogical theater with a continuous process and with an emphasis on the simple learning of various concepts and lessons assists to grow and thus enhance individual and group behavior in society. The process of performing the exercises encourages the talent and creativity of the participants in learning and ensures their active participation. This study aims to establish a link between the ideas of Harry Broudy and the pedagogical methods proposed from his perspective, describing the process of teaching and learning through art. In this study, the connection between the aesthetic aspects from Broudy’s perspective and the related components and the educational process through pedagogical theater is investigated. Broudy proposes three approaches, including performance, artistic perception, and perception in aesthetics, to prove that the perception approach is far more effective in aesthetic education. The results indicate that the teaching and learning process should first be accompanied by strengthening aesthetic education, which is one of the best methods in this field, namely the use of pedagogical theater.  Since it fills the learning path with fascination and excitement, and the process of rehearsal and the impact of this type of theater on the participants are remarkable. At the same time, it can contribute a lot to have the fascination, ease and creativity in learning all kinds of topics.
Keywords: Harry Brody, education, Aesthetics, theater, pedagogy
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/12/29 | Accepted: 2021/11/9
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Kazemi Yazdi N, Delkhah M, Shairi H. Explanation of Harry Broudy’s View with Respect to Aesthetic Education and its Link to Education via Pedagogical Theater. کیمیای هنر 2021; 10 (40) :97-108
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-1988-en.html

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