Niche rug is a rich collection of the Iranian arts. In this collection, there are exquisite rugs that start with ‘Amen Al-Rasool’ and end with the inscription “Allah Akbra Kabira” under the forehead of Mihrab. A feature of this theological text is that it is woven upside down. Therefore, given the exact geometric structure of the rug, as well as its brocade fabric, it seems that in this swarm of verses, with the inversion of the inscription and the accompaniment of plant motifs, there is some hidden meaning. So the question is how to unravel the meaning hidden in the underlying layers of this text? In order to achieve the right answer, the hidden meaning in different layers must be revealed. Therefore, based on the descriptive-analytical method and Panofskyi iconological method, the meaning is obtained from the sum of different layers of the text. Through the interconnected chain of meanings, it is possible to find the important point that the designer-artist, consciously or unconsciously, has created a work that expresses the spiritual journeying and wayfaring of the worshiper.
Azhand Y, Namvarmotlagh B, Erfanmanesh S. Analysis of Meaning in the Niche Rug of the Metropolitan Museum by iconoloical method. کیمیای هنر 2021; 9 (37) :71-85 URL: