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:: Volume 2, Issue 6 (5-2013) ::
کیمیای هنر 2013, 2(6): 35-50 Back to browse issues page
The Enigma of Interpretation in the Works of Samuel Beckett
Muhammad Rahimian Shirmard *
Abstract:   (18339 Views)
Meaninglessness, as the most important aesthetic character of the works of Samuel Beckett and Theatre of the Absurd, is a way by means of which the modernistic works of art try to confront the annihilation of meaning and crisis of modernity. Trying to deny the meaning while utilizing a negative approach, which in turn arises from the way they deal with their inner problems, these works can be seen as endeavors for expressing the ineffability of the impossible. In this article it would be discussed, in an Adornoian aesthetical framework, that the meaninglessness in Beckett’s plays is not only a philosophical and artistic necessity, but also comes from the inevitable enigmas of these works. Accordingly, the hidden dialectics of these works which makes them some sort of puzzle, exposes them to multiple interpretation. Yet, while displaying the works potential interpretations, this characteristic at the same time negates any interpretation and, by causing more ambiguity in the work, shows the shortcomings of any attempt for unveiling the meaning. In opposition to this characteristic of the work of art, the interpretation tries to overcome the indeterminacy of the works’ elements and make itself clear and visible through unveiling the work’s enigma, ambiguity, and absurdity. However, what always remains absent in this negative dialectics is the meaning of the work’s enigma.
Keywords: Beckett, Adorno, Theatre of the Absurd, modernity, modernism, the impossible, work of art, enigma
Full-Text [PDF 272 kb]   (6708 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/02/24 | Accepted: 2014/02/24
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Rahimian Shirmard M. The Enigma of Interpretation in the Works of Samuel Beckett. کیمیای هنر 2013; 2 (6) :35-50
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-71-en.html

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