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:: Volume 11, Issue 43 (9-2022) ::
کیمیای هنر 2022, 11(43): 23-40 Back to browse issues page
The Social Archigenre in Bahram Mirza’s Muraqqa based on Gerard Genette’s Theory
Seyedeh Nafiseh Zarghami * , Hasan Bolkhari Ghahi , Bahman Namvar Motlagh
Abstract:   (2195 Views)
One of the materials used in compiling the history of   Iranian art is Murraqa. Started from the primitive forms, these Muraqqas  have gradually become specialized, and, in particular with the addition of the preface, have played an important role in drawing aspects of Iranian art history. Bahram Mirza’s Muraqqa (951AH) is one of the prominent works in this regard; a collection with an important preface, and impressive images, calligraphy and embellishments. This research aims to classify visual genres in Bahram Mirza’s Muraqqa, and to describe the features and the functions of the social archigenre and its distinctive themes. The analysis is concerned with such questions as which of the genres is the dominant one, and how the style and the themes are related. It is hypothesized that the social archigenre dominates Bahram Mirza’s Muraqqa which is consisted of the themes of the court, prominent figures and their social status. Based on Gerard Genette’s theory, the paintings are of epic, social, and lyric archigenres. The article, focusing on the themes of the social archigenre, tries to show first the importance of these images and then their distinctive features. Examiantion of the content and form of these paintings shows that changing social context and possibly the tastes of the patrons of the works has inclined the painters to show   “ humans” of various social classes. The analysis of these paintings demonstrates some of the relations and aspects of the social life in the court. Moreover, it reveals parts of the ups and downs of the painting tradition of that time and its connection with the naturalism of the next generation. In Bahram Mirza’s Muraqqa, such social classes as rulers, courtiers, warriors, and servants with realistic details of their own are identifiable through visual evidence provided by the social archigenre. Methodologically, this basic research includes description, analysis, and evaluation processes which have been overlooked in some respects in previous researchs.
Keywords: Safavid painting, Bahram Mirza’s Muraqqa, Gerard Genette, archigenre, social archigenre, realistic style
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/01/20 | Accepted: 2022/09/6
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Zarghami S N, Bolkhari Ghahi H, Namvar Motlagh B. The Social Archigenre in Bahram Mirza’s Muraqqa based on Gerard Genette’s Theory. کیمیای هنر 2022; 11 (43) :23-40
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2121-en.html

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