Kimiya-ye Honar Style Sheet
Guidelines for Submission of Articles
Authors are asked to provide the following information with their submissions:
1. Institutional affiliation (if any)
2. mailing address
3. telephone and fax numbers
4. E-mail address
Please submit your manuscripts via e-mail attachments in Microsoft Word, along with low-resolution illustrations. Submissions should either be sent online according to the Journal’s instruction (available at or by e-mail to All articles would be subject to review by the editor and anonymous external reader(s), whose comments will be sent to the author, if the article is accepted for publication. The authors will be asked then to make revisions based on the peers’ reports and re-submit it to the Journal’s associate editor together with higher-resolution images at that time. Articles that do not follow Kimiya-ye Honar's style will be sent back to the author for amendment. Submissions should be double-spaced throughout in 12-pt. typeface. Use a five-character paragraph indent. Authors’ current institutional affiliation and their location should appear on the first text page. Authors should also include an abstract (500 words maximum) plus keywords on the same page where the affiliation is indicated. Articles should not exceed 20 pages (not including endnotes) and have an upper limit of 15 illustrations.
Illustrations should be labeled and accompanied by a double-spaced full caption list (artist’s name, title of the work, year of creation, technique, size, copyright information) indicating the authors’ preferred size of illustrations depicted in their paper (i.e., full, half, quarter page). Authors should provide specific directions, should they wish the images to be grouped in a particular manner. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permissions for copyrighted materials and to provide the appropriate credit-line information. Illustrations should be submitted as digital images (color or b/w) in JPEG or TIFF format, 300 dpi in a size that will fill at least a half page. Please title each digital image with your name and the figure number. Images not submitted in the format indicated above will not be accepted for publication.
Style Guidelines
For the transliteration of Persian words, authors should follow either the Iranian Studies scheme, or else that used by The International Journal of Middle East Studies (minus the diacritics but with macrons). For the transliteration of Arabic and Ottoman Turkish, authors should follow the modified IJMES scheme. However the use of established Anglicized forms such as Kurdistan, Hafiz, Isfahan, Majlis (instead of Kordestan, Hafez, Esfahan, Majles) will be more appropriate. Whichever scheme is chosen (Iranian Studies or modified IJMES), it must be strictly adhered to. Failure to do so will result in the submission being rejected, even if it has passed peer review. The ezafeh is written as –e after consonants, e.g. ketab-e and as –ye after vowels (and silent final h), e.g. darya-ye and khaneh-ye. The silent final h is written, e.g. Dowleh. The tashdid is represented by a doubling of the letter, e.g. takhassos. The plural ha is added to the noun with a dash, e.g. cheshm-ha. American English is preferred both for spelling and punctuation. Please provide glosses for all foreign terms used and translate foreign titles when they are first mentioned in the text of the article.
Journal’s Reference Style
Endnote numbers in the text should be placed after the full point at the end of a sentence.
Color Images
Authors are expected to limit the use of color images to occasions where it is absolutely necessary on scientific, and not merely cosmetic, grounds. However, the online edition of the journal will cover all the figures in color, if required.
Reproduction of Copyright Material
It is authors’ responsibility, prior to the submission of a paper, to obtain written permission from the copyright owner of any material in their manuscript. Such material may include text, data, table, illustration, photograph, line drawing, audio and video clips, film still, and screenshot or any other supplemental material authors aim to use. This also applies to direct (verbatim or facsimile) reproduction as well as “derivative reproduction” (where authors have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source). Authors must confirm that they have obtained appropriate permission or acknowledgement for reuse of any content which is under the protection of copyright. Authors are solely responsible for any fees which the copyright holder may charge for reuse. The reproduction of short extracts of text, excluding poetry and song lyrics, for the purposes of criticism may be possible without formal permission on the basis that the quotation is reproduced accurately and full attribution is given.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all citations. Throughout the text of a paper, citations to source materials should be numbered in sequence and presented as endnotes—that is, notes grouped together at the conclusion of the text. Like the text, endnotes should be double-spaced. “Ibid.” should be used for uninterrupted, successive references to the same work. When referring to a previously cited work that does not follow without interruption, use the author’s name and a shortened title, not the date of publication of the work. Do not use “op. cit.” Names and titles in non-Roman alphabets (Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, etc.) must be transliterated. Titles in Roman alphabets should be capitalized as they would be in the book’s language. Publishers may be included or omitted in the endnotes, but be consistent throughout. Do not use initials for first names—unless of course the author identifies himself or herself in that way: K.A.C. Creswell, R.D. McChesney. Use the full title in the first citation of a work. For any other issues on citation not mentioned here, Kimiya-ye Honar is following the last edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).
This Journal Reserves the Right to Edit Articles and Modify them as Needed.