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:: Volume 12, Issue 47 (9-2023) ::
کیمیای هنر 2023, 12(47): 93-112 Back to browse issues page
A semiotic comparison of " optical metamorphosis" in four children's picture books: based on deconstructive approach
Amirhossein Zanjanbar *
Abstract:   (849 Views)
According to theory of deconstruction by Derrida, meaning is always defermented and the chain of signifiers have no final signification. The objective of the current research is to show that visual metamorphoses are inherently constructive, unless, a constructive narrative prevents this possibility from occurring. "Elephant Buttons" by Noriko Ueno, "I see, I see" by Robert Henderson, "Are you a stork or a woodpecker?" and "I stand on my hand" by Ali Khodaei were chosen for the research topic, because all are based on metamorphosis of the image and at the same time, they have used different styles in creating the metamorphosis of the image. The present article seeks to answer the question “how deconstruction is formed or not in works based on visual metamorphosis”, with the analytical-comparative method. The result of the present research shows that image metamorphosis can lose its adaptive function under the influence of the narrative structure of the text. In more precise words, the visual narration of the text can postpone the chain of metamorphosing images.
Keywords: picture books, metamorphosis, deconstruction, Derrida, postponement of meaning
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/01/18 | Accepted: 2023/06/20
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Zanjanbar A. A semiotic comparison of " optical metamorphosis" in four children's picture books: based on deconstructive approach. کیمیای هنر 2023; 12 (47) :93-112
URL: http://kimiahonar.ir/article-1-2254-en.html

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