:: Volume 3, Issue 13 (1-2015) ::
کیمیای هنر 2015, 3(13): 27-40 Back to browse issues page
To Find the Possibility of Aesthetic ‘Autonomy’ in the Case of Logic ‘Instrumentality’ Dominancy (in Weber, Lyotard and Foucault`s Critical Assessment of Modern Culture)
Ali Salehi Farsani * , Saeed Hajinaseri
Abstract:   (8458 Views)
Critical approach to situation of modern culture is on the base of obstacles that are proposed in this approach. In this approach, the most important obstacle to ‘autonomy’ is the logic of ‘instrumentality’ and its disenchanting sequence. On this foundation, the question is whether we can find a sphere that will be beyond of logic of ‘instrumentality’. In addition, are the aesthetic sphere and art beyond of this logic and also is this sphere able to pave the way for getting rid of this logic? Theoretical framework in this article, for assessing critical approach to modern culture, is the trajectory of critical thought that Foucault has drawn. The trajectory that starts by Nietzsche and lead to Frankfurt school. Weber, Lyotard and Foucault would be compared in this framework and on the base of method of Lovejoy`s history of ideas, to see if their critical approach to ‘instrumentality’ lead to preferring of the aesthetic sphere and art (as possibility for redemption through aesthetic ‘autonomy’). Findings of this article shows that Foucault (on contrary to Weber and Lyotard) thinks that aesthetics isn`t beyond of ‘instrumentality’ and Weber (on contrary to Lyotard and Foucault) thinks that the avant-gard art can’t challenge ‘instrumentality’. Foucault, however, (on contrary to Lyotard) thinks that redemption locates in boundary of the rational.
Keywords: Instrumentality, Autonomy, Aesthetics, Weber, Lyotard, Foucault
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/06/10 | Accepted: 2015/06/10

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