:: Volume 11, Issue 44 (12-2022) ::
کیمیای هنر 2022, 11(44): 25-37 Back to browse issues page
A Reading of the Animal Defender Art in Terms of Ethics and Political Economy
Firoozeh Sheibani Rezvani *
Abstract:   (846 Views)
This research tries to explain the place of animals in the process of ethics and political economy and based on selected examples, studies and analyzes the art of protecting the animals. It should be noted that although the moral status of animals has been developing in recent decades, economic systems determine the hierarchy of beings in societies. According to the modern philosophers, art as a tool of knowledge has a great ability to know the world and its related matters. In addition, by producing various works in defense of animal rights, artists also play a significant role in raising awareness and development, which is worthy of attention. This research tries to describe and analyze a selection of posters, illustrations, and graffiti by artists such as Sue Coe, Arabo Sargsian, Banksy, and Hamidreza Pourakbar based on library data. The findings of this research indicates that the idea of creating the desired works in accordance with the life experience of the artist is an effort to recognize the rights of animals, which significantly plays a role in promoting public awareness in parallel with philosophical and economic studies.
Keywords: Political Economy, Animal Rights, Poster Design, Illustration, Graffiti
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/01/14 | Accepted: 2022/08/16
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